понедельник, 27 сентября 2010 г.

Information about Armenian extreme

Carving Engineering Management skiing at the turn, based on the conduct of both skis on the cante (cutting management) in all phases of the rotation. Skiing for the carving usually with a deep sidecut. Technique is used primarily on trained routes. EXTREME Carving (FAN-Carving) Type of skiing with a very deep sidecut, when the skier performs completed rotations of small radii, literally lying sideways on a slope, often riding without poles. Technique requires a carefully prepared smooth and steep slopes.Skiing for the extreme carving-enhancing plates fitted to increase the distance between the ski and the sole of the shoe. FREESTLYE Type of riding, which appeared in the last 10 years, on the slopes of the special-stadiums, snow park, halfpipe - artificially created on a ski slope profiles in the form of an inclined longitudinal polutruby to perform tricks on skis and snowboards. Freestyle includes jumps, backward movement, and various exercises on the walls of the halfpipe and into the air. Used Ski special form, including the twin-type (twin-tip) - a form of skiing with two curved ends (toe and heel) with the possibility of landing backwards-ahead. Freestyle Backcountry Riding with the same elements as in the freestyle, performed on natural terrain, usually in the virgin lands. Skis have a wide waist, the same as that of virgin models. FREERIDE Kind of off-piste skiing mainly on the most varied terrain: the virgin lands, hills, drifts, jumps from the rocks and supercharged. Requires high level of skill possession skis in a variety of situations; involves the use of a fairly wide skis with a waist more than 80 mm. Extreme Radical direction of freeride, requiring the rider higher level of skill, because it rides on avalanche slopes, jumps from the rocks, riding on the steep wooded slopes. Meteoconditions SKATING Riding on the fluffy deep snow (powder). We use the most extensive skiing - Powder (up to 110 mm in the waist) is usually mild with a large radius of rotation (ie a small sidecut). SKI-TOUR (SKI TOURING) Type of ski holidays, involving driving in the mountains, not equipped with lifts and snowmobiles (special equipment): ascent by foot to ski. Skis are usually equipped with Camus, prevent slippage, and special boots and bindings. SKI-CROSS (SKI-CROSS) Competitive discipline - riding on a specially prepared track with drops, jumps, banked turns. The simultaneous start is given to several participants, the task - the first to come to the finish line. Used skis with higher rates of mobility, torsional stiffness, strength and stability of the slope.

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